Tertion - World of Will

Saga 1: A sole survivor - Part 1

Chapter 1: The one and only

As the heavens and earth were created, a will was given to every living being on the surface. This will was created with the ability that could be enforced on things and other creatures. Will controlled everything. Those with a stronger will dominated those who lacked the willpower to achieve that place for themselves. But different beings meant that different kinds of will were used. A will to live better, a will to dominate, a will to be loyal. All kinds of will were emitted in all kinds of ways. Although through time the art of emitting will was narrowed down to a few very effective ways which were then commonly accepted and standartised. Centuries passed, wars were fought, and from good will evil was born. A will to kill, a will to avenge, a will to cause pain and suffering. Many families and tribes were exterminated due to evil will. A harsh reality.

In a southern town inhabited by the Azkama tribe Hyazin and Adriana went on a daily routine down the river stream to the local farm to pick some ripe fruits and berries. They lived in a isolated place, mainly due to the conflict in these regions. The Phoenix Empire, a nation with talented fire-controllers, was invading the southern regions of the continent due to the hostility towards the water-controllers, with whom they had a tense history and who were very common in this region. Living in a constant anxiety of a attack, life has normalized to the level, that children without significant talent were sent out into the farms outside the towns region because they were viewed as burdens which didn't contribute to the safety of the village. Such children were also Hyazin and Adriana. Children who have been deemed useless due to almost zero innate talent and were now serving as free labour destined to be killed someday out there. This reality was deeply inscribed into those two who had not particular interest or love towards their own people, but nevertheless served their role in hope to see the light of tomorrow. Today both of them went into the deeper woods along a longer path because yesterday bandits were spotted on the main road which was the first time. Navigating along such a old and narrow path was a difficulty since it was almost impossible where the path lead in some places, so it was no surprise that they got lost in those deep woods. Hyazin had some expirience with navigating in the wild, although his skills were doubtful, but it was their only hope. Going west fom the river Hyazin found it strange that the path he chose was leading into only deeper and deeper parts of the forest. A little while later, both had no doubt that they were lost. With the sun slowly setting Hyazin suggested finding a cave or a similar hideout to stay in at night with the reason that a attack at night was almost inevitable. Luckily a cave was nearby, although darkened and hostile, it was a ideal place for staying overnight. As both of them settled at the entrance, a weird noise came from the depths of the cave.  "W- What is that?" asked Hyazin, clearly scared of a possible enemy. Although trembling in fear he tried to keep his posture and moved towards the deeper parts of the cave while navigating himself along the cave wall. Adriana followed closely behind whilst clenching her pocket knife in her hands. As the strange noises intensified a similar pattern to breathing could be heared, although the breathing sounded heavy with a subtile hint of gurgling. They were getting closer and closer to the source of this weird noise. Suddenly they entered a huge stone room resembling somewhat a dungeon with moss all over the walls. In the middle of this dome there was a solid iron rod embedded in the ground to which a silhouette was chained. With careful steps Adriana and Hyazin moved towards the centre. They checked who the person was and if it perhaps was a associate of their tribe. It wasn't a familiar face but it was around their age. "Should we free him?" "He probably is dangerous... mabye we should let him be there and not interfere with anyhting." "That woulld actually be the best thing to do", Hyazin approved. As they wanted to get out of the cave again, they heared dozens of feet stomping their way into the chamber from a different path they took. "Well we better get out of here and quick!" whispered Hyazin. As they started to run away the person suddendly said in a faint voice: "Please, dont leave me here... please..." Adriana stopped. "Quickly, lets get the hell out of here!" Adriana jumped back to the iron rod, unchaining the person quickly. "Are you out of your mind??!" The stomping sped up, now turning into a rush of running. As Adriana unchained the person she took him onto her back and started to hastily run toward their path they have taken on their way into the cave. "You are crazy", Hyazin hissed. They ran towards the exit while they heared people shouting in the dome. Now approaching the exit, Hyazin shouted out loud: "They're following us!" And indeed, the stomping was rapidly approaching the three of them. Out of the cave Hyazin threw Adriana with the person and himself into the bushes at the exit. The people ran past them out of the cave and with quick orders scattered into the woods in probability of chasing them down. They sucessfully tried to sneak away to the opposite site the persuaders scattered. After approaching the river they set up a provisory camp and treated the captive. As he opened his eyes he was greeted by a ominous sight of Adriana and Hyazin glaring at him as if he was all their problems combined. "Wait wait wait where am I and who the hell are you both?"  Adriana stared him down: "We are water-controllers from the southern village. And we are the ones here who will make the questions." She leaned toward him: "So who exactly are you? A criminal who was locked up because of murder? You better have a good story to tell or else i'll be returning you to those soldiers!" The boy was visibly scared of Adriana and backed off a bit. Then he tried to clarify: "Well I am Fang and i was actually there for nothing." Adriana made a threatening face:"Yeah of course. You were locked up for nothing. Makes absolute sense." Fang was getting slowly frustrated and started explaining: "Well, that's because i am from the..." Someone shouted: "Here they are! We need to take the refugee i back and kill those others!" All three took immediate battle stance as enemies were approaching rapidly. The first one arrived and was greeted by the little water attacks Adriana and Hyazin could control. The soldier was pushed back a little but stayed unharmed. He charged again, but this time, a strong gust of wind blew him away. Suddenly it seemed as if the soldier was pressured by invisible walls as he got crushed into pieces. Fang fell to the ground clearly exhausted. More soldiers were coming and death was inevitable. As they awaited their demise a figure jumped inbetween the soldiers and the trio. The soldiers were in shock at first but quickly charged forward as the figure smiled and in a instant, all the soldiers were eliminated. Still wary of the danger the three tried to attack their savior, but their attacks had no effect on the guy. Fang tried again his trick, but the figure seemed unfazed. Not willing to give up they charged a group attack but in a blink of a eye, all three were immobilized. The figure spoke: "Holy mother of earth is this how the good are treated nowdays? I save one's life and they try to kill me. What gratefulness." "How could we know that you were not like them??" Hyazin complained. "I wouldn't stoop so low as them. I have morals unlike them. Do you even know who you're talking to?" "No?" they said in unison. "I am Kyro, the detective of Capital city and i am here in search of the one who controls the Archangel."

Chapter 2: Fortune in Unfortune